How ranges work

In this blog
how ranges work with eg
simple question

so lets take eg of integer data type:

this program will work fine but what if i exceed  the range of integer which is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (in case of 64 bit compiler)

so some garbage value will be printed ,what if i say we can predict that value (whoooooooooooo)
but how ?

so there is some sequence in prediction so i had taken the ranges beside the circle and we name it as %d circle ( for convinience take +ve ranges in clock wise and -ve in anti-clock wise)

(note: these dots represent ranges )

so we will go on counting the range starting form 0 then 1 until the we had counted 2147484648 values on the  circle in the side they increment (why this  because you had initialize the variable with +ve value ,(in case of -ve  values you start form 0 and go on decrementing side) ,so our final answer is -2,147,483,648

eg 2

now lets take eg of unsigned integer which is having only +ve ranges only 0 to 4,294,967,295 , now lets take the circle again ,now with the name %u circle 

so now what if i assignee a -ve value to variable 

so it will start counting in the direction opposite of ( 0 1 2 3 ) 

so before 0 there is -1 if we count but the value we get is 4,294,967,295
so our final answer is 4,294,967,295.

(note: when you move over a circle , just keep in mind the you not initialize variable a value which again crosses or stop at 0 as it will give you warning, eg :4294967296 in case of unsigned int)

Q.)now here is an exercise for you what will be the -2,147,483,652 value in case of unsigned?

comment down below the answer ,or suggestion or any doubt ,thank for reading ..😀

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