bitwise operator

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bitwise operators

bitwise operators

 operator meaning   
     &bitwise and
 bitwise or
   ~bitwise not
   ^ bitwise Xor
 <<bitwise leftshift  
   >> bitwise rightshift

bitwise and (&)

Truth table of bitwise and
 A BA&b 
 0 0 
 10 0 
conclusion is that  if both  bit of nth position would  are true then the nth bit in the output would be true.


printf("%d", A&B) // A=2 ,B=3                                            output would be 2

why output would be 2?
 as it will compare each bit of A  with B  , in binary value of  A and B would be
0010 , 0011 respectively , now compare each bit of A with B using the above given table. the output would be 0010.

bitwise or ( | )

Truth table of bitwise or
 A BA|b 
 0 0 
 10 1 

conclusion is that if one bit of nth position  is true then the nth bit in the output would also be true. 


printf("%d", A|B)// A=2 ,B=0                                                                                output would be 2

bitwise not ( ~ )

Truth table of bitwise not
 A ~A
 1 0 

bitwise not operator reverses each bit of a given no


printf("%d", ~A) // A=1                                                                                     output would be -2

how did we get the above output , for explanation visit...

bitwise Xor ( ^ )

Truth table of bitwise Xor
 A BA&b 
 1 0 
 00 0 


printf("%d", A^B) // A=2, B=3                                                                                   output would be 1

xor operator gives 1 as an output if the bit of operand are different  ,A =0010   ,    B=0011    on  0the position from right bit is diffrent so 1  and on 1,2,3 position bits are same so 0   , so answer is  0001

bitwise leftshift and rightshift(<<  , >>)

bitwise leftshift or rightshift is used to shifts the bit to right or left by a specified no

syntax :

operand << no of bits you want to shift


printf("%d", A<<2); // A=2                                                                                         output would be 8
A is 0010 so  after shifitng  is looks like 1000  which is 8   ( every bit is shifted to right by 2 and left most 2 bits are lost and on right 2 bits are added)

same applies for rightshift also.

 ( note : for calculating mannualy formula for left shift is  A * 2 no of bits that you want to shift for right shift you had to divide A / 2 no of bits that you want to shift )
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