Constants in c

 In this blog 
 Types of constant
 Integer constant
 floating point constant
 character constant
 string constant
 Declaring constant


constants are indentifiers whose value is defined by the programmer at compiler time , its value can't be changed  if you try to change the value of a constant then it will give you error.

Types of constant 

Integer constant

an integer constant is type of constant of int type .

eg :  3412

if you want to make it unsigned place U or u as a suffix , l or L for long , UL or ul for unsigned long 

eg : 31345ul    (is integer of unsigned long)

if you want to make it ocatal or hexadecimal , use prefix 0  or (0x , 0X)  respectively

eg: 07         (is integer of type octal)          0x7   (is integer of type hexadecimal)

by default it is +ve if you want to make it -ve place -ve sign.

eg : -8l       (is  -ve integer of long type)

floating point constant

floating point constant is type of float . A floating point constant consist of a integer part, decimal part and exponent part , it is not necessary that it will contain all these part 

eg 7.54    ,   7 e+2  ,   3.54E-3

by default the floating point constant in +ve until you put  -ve sign in front of it.

eg :  -7.54 is -ve

by default all floating point constant is of type double until you put f or F (float ) and l or L (long)
eg :  7.54 ( dobule )  ,   7.54f (float)   , 7.54L  (long)

character constant 

char constant are single character that are enclose in single quotes (eg :  'a' ) , in memory character are stored in ascii values .

string constant

string constant are set of characters which are enclosed in double quotes (eg : "a"  or "alpha") in string constant compiler automatically adds the null character('\0' ) at the end of string , so size of string "alpha" is 6 not 5 bytes.

Declaring constant

there are 2 methods for declaring constant 

1) using keyword const
2)  using #define (preprocessor directive)

const int a=5 (would initialize variable a with 5 )

#define pi 3.14 (here pi is not a variable it's just simple text)

Diffrence between using const keyword and using #define is  that the 1st method can had varied scope but the 2nd is only global scoped .

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