types of operator

In this blog
types of operator

types of operator 

there are 3 types of opearator 

urnay operator 
operator that work on only 1 operand 

eg : ++a // a is variable of  any valid type

type of unary operator...

  1. unary minus(-)
  2. increment(++)
  3. decrement(- -)
  4. logical NOT(!) and bitwise NOT(~)
  5. Addressof operator(&) and Indircetion ( * )
  6. sizeof()

binary operator
operator that work on 2 operand 

eg:  a+b //a and b are of any valid type

types of binary operator...

 1. arithmethic 
 2. relational 
 3. equality 
 4. logical 
 5. bitwise
 6. assignment 

ternary operator 
operator that work on 3 operand

eg:  (a>b)?a:b 

types of ternary operator...

1.  (expression)?(expression):(expression)
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