Relational operator

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Relational operator

Relational operator

 operator meaning    example
     > greater than a > b  returns 1 if true otherwise 0
    <      less than a<b    returns 1 if true otherwise 0
     <= less than or equal to a<=b returns 1 if true otherwise 0
     >= greater than or equal to a>= b  returns 1 if true otherwise 0
     ==  equality check a == b returns 1 if true otherwise 0
     != not equal to a != b returns 1 if true otherwise 0

program illustration of relational operator 

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int a=2,b=3;
    printf("greater than , a > b=%d\n",a > b); //greater than    
    printf("less than, a < b=%d\n",a < b ); //less than
    printf("less than or equal to, a <= b=%d\n",a <= b); //less than or equal to
    printf("greater than or equal to, a >= b=%d\n",a >= b); //greater than or equal to
    printf("equality check, a == b =%d\n",a == b); //equality check
    printf("not equal to , a != b =%d\n",a != b); //not equal to  
    return 0;


greater than , a>b=0
less than, a < b=1
less than or equal to, a <= b=1
greater than or equal to, a >= b=0
equality check, a == b =0
not equal to , a != b =1

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