unary operators

In this blog
unary minus (-)
 increment ( ++)
decrement (--)
loagical NOT ( ! )and bitwise NOT ( ~)
Address of operator (&) and Indirection ( * )
sizeof ()

Unary minus (-)

unary minus in c is generally used to invert the sign of the operand  for eg , a = -10  so  -a will be  10 and keep in mind that the unary minus is different from binary minus

increment ( ++)

.) increment operator is used to increase a particular value by 1  for eg , a = 10  so  a++ would be 11 .

.) increment operator is of further  of 2 types  postfix(a++ )and prefix(++a) increment 

.) in an expression when post fix increment is used , like

then first the value of operand is used ,  in this case it is 1 so expression answer would be 2 and after that the value of operand would be incremented 

.) in an expression when prefix increment is used , like

then first the value of operand is incremented then after that expression  would be evaluated answer to this expression is 3.

decrement ( -- )

.) decrement operator is used to decrement the value of operand by 1

.)decrement operator is further of 2 type postfix(a--) and prefix(--a) , meaning of these are same as of  increment 

.)  value of the expression   (a--) +1  if a is 1 would be 2 and after the expression is evaluated then value of a is decremented 

.) value of expression  (--a) +1 would be 1.

logical NOT and bitwise NOT

these operator would be discussed late in logical operators.

Address of operator(&) and indirection operator(*)

.) Address of operator  when used with variable gives the address of that location , eg  when a = 5 the   &a would give the address where 5 is stored 

.) indirection operator is used with pointer , i know that you would not know about pointer  but just remember that  when used with pointer it gives the value of the variable which the pointer is pointing at.


.) sizeof operator is used is we want to know the size of a data type or a variable eg ..

sizeof operator always return the value in long unsinged integer so always use %lu format specifier.

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